
a minute to catch up

welp, mom is a whiner. the truth is-- although i have not felt much like myself in the past couple of months, any symptoms of pregnancy or morning sickness have been mild so far. thank GOD! so i think i am finally getting over myself and deciding to enjoy this.

i go back to the doctor tomorrow morning first thing to get the blood pressure checked. it is coming down. i check it twice a day at home, and--slowly but surely--it is coming down. i wish it had not taken medication to get it down, but i do trust the doctor to prescribe a medication that is acceptable for me and for hamster, AND i trust him to prescribe the minimum dose possible to keep us both healthy. so that is that.

i was beginning to feel slightly better, but there are side effects to the medication, and all of them are eerily similar to the side effects of being pregnant. ugh. so nausea and tiredness continue.

according to the pregnancy sources, hamster is a little bigger than a fig, almost the size of a kumquat. i am not showing yet. i just look a little fatter than normal. my skinny-day jeans DEFINITELY do not fit, and my normal jeans are about there too. maybe another four weeks or so...

um, what else?!? oh...i still smell everything. and the cravings have begun. apples mostly. but other than apples, there has not been one thing that i continuously want. it is more like in this moment this specific thing sounds good. so i go with that. i think i have only gained like 3.5 lbs so far. so that is not too bad, i guess.

nick's cousin, who is also pregnant, commented on one of my prior blogs that i should note constipation...and i have to say...that is a doozie. it is a victory any time the moment comes, and i am successful in the bathroom. who knew the things i would be thanking God for one day.

our sonogram is on Jan. 12, and we will be in Florida around Valentine's Day, so there is a lot to look forward to.

i love you guys. please keep us in your prayers.

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