
a minute to catch up

welp, mom is a whiner. the truth is-- although i have not felt much like myself in the past couple of months, any symptoms of pregnancy or morning sickness have been mild so far. thank GOD! so i think i am finally getting over myself and deciding to enjoy this.

i go back to the doctor tomorrow morning first thing to get the blood pressure checked. it is coming down. i check it twice a day at home, and--slowly but surely--it is coming down. i wish it had not taken medication to get it down, but i do trust the doctor to prescribe a medication that is acceptable for me and for hamster, AND i trust him to prescribe the minimum dose possible to keep us both healthy. so that is that.

i was beginning to feel slightly better, but there are side effects to the medication, and all of them are eerily similar to the side effects of being pregnant. ugh. so nausea and tiredness continue.

according to the pregnancy sources, hamster is a little bigger than a fig, almost the size of a kumquat. i am not showing yet. i just look a little fatter than normal. my skinny-day jeans DEFINITELY do not fit, and my normal jeans are about there too. maybe another four weeks or so...

um, what else?!? oh...i still smell everything. and the cravings have begun. apples mostly. but other than apples, there has not been one thing that i continuously want. it is more like in this moment this specific thing sounds good. so i go with that. i think i have only gained like 3.5 lbs so far. so that is not too bad, i guess.

nick's cousin, who is also pregnant, commented on one of my prior blogs that i should note constipation...and i have to say...that is a doozie. it is a victory any time the moment comes, and i am successful in the bathroom. who knew the things i would be thanking God for one day.

our sonogram is on Jan. 12, and we will be in Florida around Valentine's Day, so there is a lot to look forward to.

i love you guys. please keep us in your prayers.


Away From Home

Hey bud,

I hear you and Mom went to the Doc yesterday. I am sitting here in OKC missing you guys it is about 6:45 in the morning I hope you 2 are still asleep. I called last night a couple of times but got no answer I assume Mom was already out cold. I miss u guys and will be home soon take care of mom this week.

Luv U


Happy Birthday Baby

Hamster guess what today is your moms Birthday. I can't wait to have you here to help me plan future birthdays. I also promise to remind that her birthday is comming because I am going to warn it sometimes is hard to remember your parents Birthday.

We visited DR KNOX yesterday to talk about you. Things seem to comming along nicely. I can't wait to see you.

Well Hamster do you want to join me in wishing your mom a Happy Birthday (Just don't make her sick today great present)

Honey my turn thank you so much for comming into my life and saying yes. You were a answered prayer in my life. Right now I am driving around the great emptiness known West Kansas and can't wait to come home to you. Yes I know sometimes my mind goes else where IE football but know that it always comes back to you. I enjoy falling asleep next to you and am excited to wake up each day to see your face (or Feet).

You are sound asleep on the couch in front of me. LUDY asleep above of you and Pico asleep at your feet. And I am just amazed how much I love you just watching you sleep.

Babe have a great day and know that I am always comming home to you it just may be a 2:00 am. LOL



Quite Time

Hamster, right now it is about 10 after 11, and you and your mom are asleep. This is the first time in a while she is sleeping sleeping soundly. She has been very sick lately, and she smells everything. At times, it is amazing; she can smell EVERYTHING.

Well, this season your dad's team really struggled ending with a record of 2-8. Then, a good friend resigned his position because of the struggles this year. The hard part for them is that they are expecting a little one soon as well.

But, honestly, none of that matters. You came into our life this year, and I am truly blessed by that.

I recently missed out on a job I believed I had a good shot at, but, again, I know God has a plan for you, me, and your mom.

Know we love you, and we can't wait until you join us. Talk to you soon.

your dad


everything STINKS!

ok, so we will chalk up the title of this particular blog to hyperbole, but i have to share with the masses one of the "symptoms" of this whole pregnancy thing.

the symptom? SMELL. i have not read too much about this particular sense having any particular import or change due to pregnancy. i mean, obviously, i assume both cravings and nausea can be related to our senses of smell; i.e., certain smells make me want to eat certain things, while other smells basically make me want to hurl.

none of that really surprises to me.

what is strange is that my olfactory senses are in complete overdive. let's say there is a scale measuring how well, or not, your sniffer is working. generally, my sniffer probably "ranks" about average--a 6.5 or 7 out of 10. i have to tell you that currently, my snout is comparable to that of hunting dog's. i feel like a CSI unit could add me to it K-9 brigade to sniff out criminals. it is ridiculous. regardless of where we are, sitting in the house, driving to Salina, eating at a restaurant, i smell EVERYTHING. good or bad. i have started to ask Nick, "Babe, do you smell that?" and he NEVER does.

anway. thought i'd share.


roller coaster

this has been a crazy couple of weeks. just *PLEASE* keep on praying for us, and please know...GOD is good...ALL of the time

also, remember, this is a blog about my pregnancy and for our baby, so there may be some sensitive topics covered. just so you know.

oct. 20. home preganancy tests (three of them) say we are pregnant

oct. 22.
primary care physician confirms that i am, indeed pregnant. he estimates i am 5.5 weeks and that my due date is june. 20. i disagreed. i believed i was 4.5 weeks pregnant, and that my due date would be june 28.

oct. 24.
my parents come to visit and watch the Bethany College vs. Sterling College game.
oct. 25. i have a terrible back ache. it persists for two days. i worry a little.
oct. 26. i have some bleeding. my little worry grows to a medium-sized, not full-blown worry.

oct. 27.
call the ob-gyn to tell him of the situation. he orders a sonogram. nick comes with me. we see a yolk sac and a tiny spec of baby. at this point all of the professionals believe i am about 6 weeks pregnant. at that time, the baby should have developed a heart "flicker." there was no flicker. this caused them concern. that afternoon, the ob-gyn called back and ordered bloodwork immediately to be followed by another round on Wednesday and a follow up appointment.

oct. 29.
started my day with bloodwork, and followed that up with an appointment at the ob-gyn. my amazing husband came with me again. unfortunately, the bloodwork, in combination with the sonogram, was inconclusive. the ob said we would have to wait until monday to know more. he scheculed a follow-up sonogram. at my appointment, i told the ob about my opinion that i was not as far along as everyone was predicting. that information seemed to give him hope.

oct. 29-nov. 3. we waited and prayed. it seemed like forever. some moments were better than others, but ultimately, we both knew God had... God HAS... the very best plan for Nick, and me, and our potential family. so we just trusted. we still do...

nov. 3. follow-up sonogram and dr's appointment. well, today, there was, indeed, a heart "flicker." WHAT GREAT NEWS! the tech said I am 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant; just as i thought all along. it was nice someone finally heard me. the obgyn was beaming as he told us the good news, and he said he would see us in three weeks. that will be a nice birthday present.

so, all is well. thank you for your prayers, and, please, keep it up.

hey little hamster. daddy and i love you, and we are so excited to meet you and get to know you . be good in there. i am eating a lot of great food for you, so you can grow big and strong. i will try to exercise too, but i hate that, so i will only do it for you. we have only known about you for two weeks, but you have been a part of our family forever. love you, baby. -mom

Heavenly Father. THANK YOU! thank You for blessing me with a husband who loves You more as much or more than he loves me. thank you for having a plan for our lives that is so much better and more than i could have ever imagined. thank You for Your grace and mercy and love. Thank you for blessing us and entrusting us with this baby. Thank you for hearing prayers and answering them. please, Father, continue to keep this little baby healthy and growing.


news & inspiration

lindsborg, ks
monday, october 20, 2008
4:30 p.m. CST.

i took the first of three home-pregnancy tests.
i passed.
it was positive.
i called nick before the test had even had time to process and asked him to come home.
i already knew.
i was excited...
...and a little scared.

i had a Spanish test that night and homework due. i surely failed the test and have yet to submit the homework.

i had been sick to my stomach for a week prior to taking the home test, but attributed it to nothing more than pms. i guess it is a WHOLE BUNCH more than pms.

i used stick No. 2 later that night, and I used stick No. 3 the next morning, all with the same result. nick and i are having a baby.

i scheduled a follow up with my pcp on Wednesday to confirm, and he did. i quickly chose an ob-gyn and scheduled my first pre-natal visit for Nov. 10.

fast forward
tuesday, october 28, 2008.
sometime in the evening

i am watching my Tivo'd "Oprah" episode of the day about miraculous children. the whole show was truly inspiring. one young man in particular--and, when i say young man, i mean the baby lived to be 99 days old--changed mine and my husband's lives forever.

eliot mooney was born with Trisomy 18, a syndrome they likened to Down's, where an extra chromosome shows up in the 18th position. i have no idea what that means inparticular, but i read on their page that it was found two months prior to his birth, and doctors said he would not live--that this particular disorder was "not viable with life."

anyway, eliot's mom and dad chose to live every day with eliot to the fullest. they celebrated his birthday everyday, and every event was a huge milestone. his parents never knew what day their son would return to be with Jesus, so they celebrated every single day they had with him. His dad blogged and they took many photos. in the end, eliot lived for 99 days. friends of the family posted a video on youtube. they showed the video on "Oprah" that day. i was in tears; Oprah was in tears; celine Dion was in tears; much of the audience was in tears.

i saved the Tivo'd episode to share with Nick. he, too, was in tears. (i may not be allowed to admit that.)

i say all of that to say i hope nick and i will be that kind of parents. the kind of parents who meet every joy and every challenge with humble and thankful hearts. i hope that we choose to see all of the many blessings that come with parenthood whether our child lives 99 days or 99 years.

i say all of that to say that on Wednesday, when Nick got home from work, he said, "I think we need to make a blog for hamster."

so i did, and here we are.

whatever may come.

thank you, God for blessing us and entrusting us with this child. God, help us to be present in every moment; help us to live our lives glorifying and praising you. Protect us--all three of us. we love you, Lord. -Amen.