
everything STINKS!

ok, so we will chalk up the title of this particular blog to hyperbole, but i have to share with the masses one of the "symptoms" of this whole pregnancy thing.

the symptom? SMELL. i have not read too much about this particular sense having any particular import or change due to pregnancy. i mean, obviously, i assume both cravings and nausea can be related to our senses of smell; i.e., certain smells make me want to eat certain things, while other smells basically make me want to hurl.

none of that really surprises to me.

what is strange is that my olfactory senses are in complete overdive. let's say there is a scale measuring how well, or not, your sniffer is working. generally, my sniffer probably "ranks" about average--a 6.5 or 7 out of 10. i have to tell you that currently, my snout is comparable to that of hunting dog's. i feel like a CSI unit could add me to it K-9 brigade to sniff out criminals. it is ridiculous. regardless of where we are, sitting in the house, driving to Salina, eating at a restaurant, i smell EVERYTHING. good or bad. i have started to ask Nick, "Babe, do you smell that?" and he NEVER does.

anway. thought i'd share.

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