
Quite Time

Hamster, right now it is about 10 after 11, and you and your mom are asleep. This is the first time in a while she is sleeping sleeping soundly. She has been very sick lately, and she smells everything. At times, it is amazing; she can smell EVERYTHING.

Well, this season your dad's team really struggled ending with a record of 2-8. Then, a good friend resigned his position because of the struggles this year. The hard part for them is that they are expecting a little one soon as well.

But, honestly, none of that matters. You came into our life this year, and I am truly blessed by that.

I recently missed out on a job I believed I had a good shot at, but, again, I know God has a plan for you, me, and your mom.

Know we love you, and we can't wait until you join us. Talk to you soon.

your dad

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