
Happy Easter

Same thing different day, well I got to take Trace out for a spin (in a wheelchair) today it is amazing what a 30 minute date can do. Not much new to report, plan and simply we are here in the hospital until Maggie decides it is time to show up or Trace's health gets worse. As of right now neither is happening. We do start another round of testing tomorrow (24 hour pee test) I will explain later it is worse for the nurses then it is for Trace or Maggie. Blood work on Monday to make sure Trace is functioning properly. A sonogram to check the fluids under the hood (Credit goes to John Jensen for that joke). And then a stress test were Trace will be hooked up to to all the gadgets to monitor the baby and and for contractions.

As long as they stay stable I am traveling back and forth frequently throughout the week. I try to stay as long as possible at 1 time. The nurses are amazing here and have been very patient dealing with our situation. In addition to the nurses the Hospital has many great resources for us as well. We were able to tour the NICU were we met a baby named Matthew born at 28 weeks who weighed in at 1 pound 5 ounces, when we met him he was ony 24 hours old and already off the ventilator, and is on the CPAP unit that assists with getting oxygen to his lungs but he is breathing on his own. Doing this tour calm both of our nerves knowing that if the point and time that Maggie shows up early she will be in tremendous care, the best in our region. On Tuesday we will meet with the Care Coordiantion Department that will inform us about resources and suport both inside and outside the Hospital.

You know I think I work crazy hours and the fact that our resident comes in to meet with with Trace at 6:00 am daily WOW. I was barely awake for that meeting this morning.

Mr. & Mrs. Nevad spent the last few days here checking on us making sure everything is OK.

Trace is suppose to get as much rest as possible, so if we don't get back to you right away please accept our apologies in advance. We will continue to update the blog as much as possible. And will write back e-mails and facebook as much as possible. But trying conserve cell minutes we might not get back to phone calls.

Thanks again for for all of your prayers and thoughts.

Happy Easter from the Taylors

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