
32 weeks + 3 days

well, after an uneventful 36 hour hospital stay, I am back home. nothing is new really. nick took me in Saturday, May 2 around 8 p.m., because my bp was really high -- even for me. when i went in for my friday appointment, it was high, so dr. knox said if it continued, worsened, or i felt the "yuck" to go straight to labor and delivery. we did.

as soon as i was there, my bp went down, but it did fluctuate some. they ordered the 24-hour urine, which i would have been doing at home anyway, and said i would be there until this morning.

all of the labs came back fine. protein at 295 (up slightly, but 300 is the diagnostic level, and OH-NO-really-scary is 5000, so there is a way to go).

so, for now we are home with all of the same requirements as before. my original due date was (and still is) june 28; however, the dr. says he will not let me go past 37 weeks. five more weeks seems like an eternity considering i have been laying around for four weeks already AND a six-week recovery will likely follow that (c-section). a long way to go.

the upside is the lifetime of fun and joy that will come from the waiting...

i am so thankful to have a terrific husband. nick is so committed to taking care of everything. (a little stressful for ocd-control freak trace); stressful but appreciated and loved more than i could ever say.

add to that--we are moving into a new apartment, and the stress multiplies slightly. my parents are coming this week to help out with that, and Nick's parents visited to check in and filled our fridge last weekend too, so we are very blessed.

more than anything the prayers help, so thank you for that. we love you guys and will continue to keep you posted.

GOD is so good.

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